Sampling and Sample Design

  1. Sample is a sub-set of:
    1. Population
    2. Data
    3. Set
    4. Distribution
  2. List of all the units of the population is called:
    1. Random sampling
    2. Bias
    3. Sampling frame
    4. Probability sampling
  3. Any measure of the population is called:
    1. Finite
    2. Parameter
    3. Without replacement
    4. Random
  4. If all the units of a population are surveyed, it is called:
    1. Random sample
    2. Random sampling
    3. Sampled population
    4. Complete enumeration
  5. Probability distribution of a statistics is called:
    1. Sampling
    2. Parameter
    3. Data
    4. Sampling distribution
  6. The difference between a statistic and the parameter is called:
    1. Probability
    2. Sampling error
    3. Random
    4. Non-random
  7. Standard deviation of sampling distribution of a statistic is called:
    1. Serious error
    2. Dispersion
    3. Standard error
    4. Difference
  8. A distribution formed by all possible values of a statistics is called
    1. Binomial distribution
    2. Hypergeometric distribution
    3. Normal distribution
    4. Sampling distribution
  9. In probability sampling, probability of selecting an item from the population is known and is:
    1. Equal to zero
    2. Non zero
    3. Equal to one
    4. All of the above
  10. A population about which we want to get some information is called:
    1. Finite population
    2. Infinite population
    3. Sampling population
    4. Target population
  11. Study of population is called:
    1. Parameter
    2. Statistic
    3. Error
    4. Census
  12. Sampling based upon equal probability is called:
    1. Probability sampling
    2. Systematic sampling
    3. Simple random sampling
    4. Stratified random sampling
  13. In sampling with replacement, an element can be chosen:
    1. Less than once
    2. More than once
    3. Only once
    4. Difficult to tell
  14. Standard deviation of sample mean without replacement will be __________ standard deviation of sample mean with replacement:
    1. Less than
    2. More than
    3. 2 times
    4. Equal to
  15. In sampling without replacement, an element can be chosen:
    1. Less than once
    2. More than once
    3. Only once
    4. Difficult to tell
  16. Which of the following statement is true?
    1. Standard error is always one
    2. Standard error is always zero
    3. Standard error is always negative
    4. Standard error is always positive
  17. Random sampling is also called:
    1. Probability sampling
    2. Non-probability sampling
    3. Sampling error
    4. Random error
  18. Non-random sampling is also called:
    1. Biased sampling
    2. Non-probability sampling
    3. Random sampling
    4. Representative sample
  19. Sampling error can be reduced by:
    1.  Non-probability sampling
    2. Increasing the population
    3. Decreasing the sample size
    4. Increasing the sample size
  20. A Plan for obtaining a sample from a population is called:
    1. Population design
    2. Sampling design
    3. Sampling frame
    4. Sampling distribution
  21. The difference between the expected value of a statistic and the value of the parameter being estimated is called a:
    1. Sampling error
    2. Non-sampling error
    3. Standard error
    4. Bias
  22. The standard deviation of any sampling distribution is called:
    1. Standard error
    2. Non-sampling error
    3. Type- I error
    4. Type II-error
  23. The standard error increases when sample size:
    1. Increases
    2. Decreases
    3. is Fixed
    4. is More than 30
  24. The mean of the sample means is exactly equal to the:
    1. Sample mean
    2. Population mean
    3. Weighted mean
    4. Combined mean
  25. When a random sample is drawn from each stratum, it is known as:
    1. Simple random sampling
    2. Stratified random sampling
    3. Probability sampling
    4. Purposive sampling
  26. Suppose a finite population has 6 items and 2 items are selected at random without replacement, then all possible samples will be:
    1. 6
    2. 12
    3. 15
    4. 36
  27. In random sampling, the probability of selecting an item from the population is:
    1. Unknown
    2. Known
    3. Un-decided
    4. One

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