Sampling and Sample Design
- Sample is a sub-set of:
- Population
- Data
- Set
- Distribution
- List of all the units of the population is called:
- Random sampling
- Bias
- Sampling frame
- Probability sampling
- Any measure of the population is called:
- Finite
- Parameter
- Without replacement
- Random
- If all the units of a population are surveyed, it is called:
- Random sample
- Random sampling
- Sampled population
- Complete enumeration
- Probability distribution of a statistics is called:
- Sampling
- Parameter
- Data
- Sampling distribution
- The difference between a statistic and the parameter is called:
- Probability
- Sampling error
- Random
- Non-random
- Standard deviation of sampling distribution of a statistic is called:
- Serious error
- Dispersion
- Standard error
- Difference
- A distribution formed by all possible values of a statistics is called
- Binomial distribution
- Hypergeometric distribution
- Normal distribution
- Sampling distribution
- In probability sampling, probability of selecting an item from the population is known and is:
- Equal to zero
- Non zero
- Equal to one
- All of the above
- A population about which we want to get some information is called:
- Finite population
- Infinite population
- Sampling population
- Target population
- Study of population is called:
- Parameter
- Statistic
- Error
- Census
- Sampling based upon equal probability is called:
- Probability sampling
- Systematic sampling
- Simple random sampling
- Stratified random sampling
- In sampling with replacement, an element can be chosen:
- Less than once
- More than once
- Only once
- Difficult to tell
- Standard deviation of sample mean without replacement will be __________ standard deviation of sample mean with replacement:
- Less than
- More than
- 2 times
- Equal to
- In sampling without replacement, an element can be chosen:
- Less than once
- More than once
- Only once
- Difficult to tell
- Which of the following statement is true?
- Standard error is always one
- Standard error is always zero
- Standard error is always negative
- Standard error is always positive
- Random sampling is also called:
- Probability sampling
- Non-probability sampling
- Sampling error
- Random error
- Non-random sampling is also called:
- Biased sampling
- Non-probability sampling
- Random sampling
- Representative sample
- Sampling error can be reduced by:
- Non-probability sampling
- Increasing the population
- Decreasing the sample size
- Increasing the sample size
- A Plan for obtaining a sample from a population is called:
- Population design
- Sampling design
- Sampling frame
- Sampling distribution
- The difference between the expected value of a statistic and the value of the parameter being estimated is called a:
- Sampling error
- Non-sampling error
- Standard error
- Bias
- The standard deviation of any sampling distribution is called:
- Standard error
- Non-sampling error
- Type- I error
- Type II-error
- The standard error increases when sample size:
- Increases
- Decreases
- is Fixed
- is More than 30
- The mean of the sample means is exactly equal to the:
- Sample mean
- Population mean
- Weighted mean
- Combined mean
- When a random sample is drawn from each stratum, it is known as:
- Simple random sampling
- Stratified random sampling
- Probability sampling
- Purposive sampling
- Suppose a finite population has 6 items and 2 items are selected at random without replacement, then all possible samples will be:
- 6
- 12
- 15
- 36
- In random sampling, the probability of selecting an item from the population is:
- Unknown
- Known
- Un-decided
- One
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